sabato 26 dicembre 2015

Teologia e retorica dell’ineffabilità nella «Commedia», in Le teologie di... -

Giuseppe LeddaGiuseppe Ledda 
Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di BolognaDipartimento di Filologia Classica e Italianistica, Faculty Member

Lucja BielLucja Biel 
University of WarsawFaculty of Applied Linguistics, Faculty Member
Łucja Biel (2012) „EU translation as an institutional translation: an advanced course with focus on information mining competence,” [w:] Łukasz Bogucki i Mikołaj Deckert (red.), 2012, Teaching Translation and Interpreting. Advances and Perspectives. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press, 23-37

Mathieu  TillierMathieu Tillier 
Université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV)Histoire, Faculty Member
This article traces the origins of mazalim, a term that refers to a specific institution, also called wilayat al-mazalim or al-nazar fi al-mazalim, which was expected to adjudicate complaints regarding “injustices.” The mazalim are usually regarded as the expression of the sovereign’s direct justice in Medieval Islam. The concept of the mazalim institution does not fall into any modern legal category, and has no equivalent in Occidental languages. This article begins by discussing problems of terminology and definition associated with mazalim, with particular emphasis on whether it is a...

Emir  O. FilipovićEmir O. Filipović 
University of Sarajevo, Faculty of PhilosophyHistory, Faculty Member

Federico CondelloFederico Condello 
Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di BolognaDipartimento di Filologia Classica e Italianistica, Faculty Member
The language of incest in Sophocles' OT (and OC). Paper for "Psiche" (Società Psicoanalitica Italiana)

Marco FratiMarco Frati 
University of PerugiaDipartimento di Lettere, Adjunct
Following the chronicle of Giovanni Villani, one can easily understand the extent of the disaster caused by the flood of 1333, compared to the deluge and judged one turning point for the city. Heralded by numerous floods between thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, the disaster is exacerbated by the indiscriminate exploitation of the suburban areas, also well described by the abundant written documentation. The same Villani wonders if the event is a punishment from God or, rather, the logical consequence of irresponsible human behavior. The Republic arrange for a prompt regulation of the...

Ekaterini TsalampouniEkaterini Tsalampouni 
Aristotle University of ThessalonikiPastoral and Social Theology, Faculty Member
In the first part of the paper the developments in the field of translation theory are briefly discussed. In a second part the relation between translation theories and their possible hermeneutical presuppositions esp. in the area of biblical interpretation are presented with the emphasis laid on the turn to the reader (reception theory). Finally, the third part focuses on the significance of these developments in the context of the Orthodox biblical hermeneutics as well as on the question of the relation between the Bible and tradition.

Dan DisneyDan Disney 
Sogang UniversityDepartment of English, Faculty Member

Gur ZakGur Zak 
Hebrew University of JerusalemComparative Literature, Faculty Member

bruna pieribruna pieri 
Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di BolognaDip. di Filologia Classica e Italianistica, Faculty Member
Il contributo propone una analisi contrastiva della traduzione delle Georgiche di Virgilio pub¬blicata nel 1843, in seconda e riveduta edizione (dopo quella del 1831), da Dionigi Strocchi. Sulla base di un testo cam-pione (Georg. III 1-25), la versione di Strocchi è messa a confronto in particolare con la belle infidèle di J. Delille (1769), e con la versione parafrastica di C. Bondi (1800). L’approccio di Strocchi al testo, a giudicare dalla scelta del poema didascalico e del metro in cui tradurlo, e dalle principali strategie traduttive, è in apparenza consono alla scuola neoclassica di...

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