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The rendering of Sanskrit texts into Persian constitutes one of the largest translation movements in world history. Sanskrit and Persian coexisted as languages and cultural systems on the subcontinent for hundreds of years, chiefly between the 14th and 18th centuries CE. During this period, intellectuals and poets performed hundreds of translations and adaptions of Sanskrit stories, knowledge systems, and philosophies into the Persian language. This sustained movement of Sanskrit based ideas, narratives, and even words into Persian resulted in a distinctive realm of Persianate culture on...
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Irene di Bisanzio, unica donna ad assumere il titolo imperiale maschile, è conosciuta soprattutto per aver sconfitto l’iconoclastia, riportando la Chiesa d’Oriente in comunione con tutte le altre. Per questa ragione venne proclamata Santa e ricordata come colei che salvò l’unità del mondo cristiano. Forse non tutti sanno però che Irene fu anche e principalmente una donna di governo e di guerra, che non esitò a uccidere il figlio e altri nemici politici per perseguire quello che riteneva essere il bene dell’Impero. Una donna di potere e di fede che può essere compresa a fondo solo...
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The eleventh century figure as a classic landmark in the historiography. One of the conceptual constructs responsible for setting this period as a reference in the West political and cultural trajectory is te so called ‘Gregorian Reform’. As an elementary expression in the vocabulary of historians, this idea appoints the ascension process of papal power over the feudal political scene. To use it, historians emphasize the thesis that identify the period between 1050 and 1100 as the era of transformation of the papacy into an ecclesiastical monarchy, able to impose unique experiences of...
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Scandinavia as Centre and Periphery in the Expansion of Medieval Christianity. Published 2013.
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This website features online tools for studying medieval music and links for manuscripts studied in chapters in Music in the Medieval West and as related to the forty pieces (or groups of pieces) analyzed in the Anthology for Music in the Medieval West. The website is revised each year and the links are verified, keeping the book and anthology current and informed by the latest scholarship and new performances. NB: a kindle edition of Music in the Medieval West can now be purchased for around $22.00.
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I start this article with an analysis of Goscelin’s Liber confortatorius, the letter of love and spiritual longing that he wrote to Eve when she left Wilton to become a recluse on the continent. He imagines Eve in total physical seclusion, but surrounded by the community at Wilton and bound tightly to him through reading his words. I then move on to Hilary of Orleans’ poem written about Eve after her death. Again, Hilary describes Eve as solitary and living the life of a recluse, but appears to contradict himself when he describes her lifelong ‘partnership’ with Hervé. Finally, I address...
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