Top papers from your news feed from the last week
Uncorrected proof from the Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics. Please cite published version only.
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'Were there Vikings in Finland?’ Fibula, Fabula, Fact – The Viking Age in Finland is intended to provide essential foundations for approaching the Viking Age in Finland. The volume consists of a general introduction followed by nineteen chapters and a closing discussion. The nineteen chapters are oriented to provide introductions to the sources, methods and perspectives of diverse disciplines. Discussions are presented from fields including archaeology, folklore studies, genetics, geopolitics, historiography, language history, linguistics, palaeobotany, semiotics and toponymy. Each chapter...
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Sintesi storico-storiografica sulla figura del cardinale domenicano Niccolò da Prato (+1321).
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This article deals with a Flemish translation of Moby-Dick, published in Antwerp in 1945, which has been attributed to the deconstructive critic Paul de Man in the Belgian phase of his career. The article’s objective is twofold. First, it qualifies the well-intentioned but one-sided claim on the part of de Man scholars that the Moby-Dick translation constitutes a resolute turning point in de Man’s ideological trajectory. Second, in doing so, it draws out some of the aporias of allegorical readings of the postwar period, which adopt a redemptive framework geared towards the American nation....
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SEIFMAR is a non-profit society based in Paris whose purpose is to bring together scholars from different disciplinary or methodological backgrounds, devoted to the study of women in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern period, both in Europe and America. The urgency of the project grows from the observation of this lack of dialogue, which is indeed threefold: geographical, that is to say, among scholars from different countries and even more between the both sides of the Atlantic; chronological, among scholars studying different historical periods, particularly medievalists and those...
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Through the examination Sarah Winnemucca’s Life among the Piutes and Zitkala-Ša’s Old Indian Legends and The Sun Dance Opera, this paper aims to explore the power dynamics at play in Native American translation as represented within these women's texts and as embodied in the very act of the writing/reading process.
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