Post del blog BIFLOW 18 Luglio 2016. Cronaca della lezione di Lorenza Tromboni del 9 Marzo 2016, nell’ambito del Seminario: Lingue, saperi e conflitti nell’Italia Medievale, a cura di Stefano Pezzè
The commodity is analyzed from a semiotic stance. Rather than systematically unfold a subject-object dichotomy (via Hegel's history as dialectic), it systematically deploys a sign-object-interpretant trichotomy (via Peirce's logic as semiotic). Rather than conflate economic value and linguistic meaning through the lens of Saussure's semiology, it uses Peirce's semiotic to provide a theory of meaning that is general enough to include commodities and utterances as distinct species. Rather than relegate utility and measure to the work of history (as per the opening pages of Marx's Capital),...
" Intersemiotic translation " is categorized by Roman Jakobson as one of three types of translation. Translation of illustrations in the late Qing novels, either directly from verbal signs or visual signs, can also be regarded as a typical kind of " intersemiotic translation. " The present article studies illustrations in Chinese Christian literature in the late Qing period, especially those in the Chinese translations of John Bunyan's works, The Pilgrim's Progress and The Holy War. Questions to ponder are how inter-semiotic translation occurs between these illustrations—in either...
Work placements are considered the natural step to take prior to obtaining full-time employment. Students would therefore benefit from instruments to guide them in their work placements and to invite them to reflect on their experience. This article is not a research work but a " food for thought " exercise for students, tutors and work placement coordinators in order to make technology visible and show that technological competences are inseparable from the other professional competences identified by the expert group for the European Master's in Translation.
A Lexicon about the techniques, natural resources and forest industries in Medieval times (11-14th Centuries) has being prepared here. Documents from that period were anallysed, a Data Base was created with the words and their original context; they had been ordered in a semantic way.
The present essay addresses the ideas of radical translation and radical interpretation advanced by celebrated analytic philosophers such as W. V. O. Quine and D. Davidson, attempting to show their relevance for translation theory and, more broadly, for the corpus of literary theory. I aim to reassess the debate over the translatability or untranslatability of a literary or cultural text, taking it beyond the politics of translation and multicultural studies and placing it within the framework of hermeneutic theory. Here, one should take into account the specifier " radical " associated...
Translation Studies, as a fledgling yet developing focus in humanities, has undertaken a move away from linguistic orientations and towards sociological concerns. Hence, there has been increasing research using Bourdieu's sociology as their framework. The current study is a quantitative research which uses Bourdieu's notion of capital in order to investigate the expected and received capitals of prospective and practicing Iranian translators, respectively. For that matter, a 24 item questionnaire instrument was adapted and used for data collection. The collected data was analyzed using a...
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