lunedì 11 maggio 2015

Not Even in Hell: Dante’s Isolde (in Women in Hell. Francesca da Rimimi &... - 

Top papers from your news feed from the last week
This essay focuses on the role of the art press in the advancement of the research on Byzantine art in Italy at the turn of the twentieth century. Byzantine civilization touched Italy deeply: historic monuments and treasuries in churches and museums are lasting evidence of this enduring contact. To Italian scholars involved in debates on the origin of their national art, the role of the “Byzantine element” has often appeared as a very contentious issue. Was Byzantium to be considered as a degenerate form of classical “Latin” culture? Was its art merely identified with the traditional...
This article seeks to expand the field of inquiry in neo-Victorian studies by focusing on the role of translation in the global dissemination of Victoriana. By analysing Pustolovine Glorije Scott (The Adventures of Gloria Scott), the collection of short stories written in Croatian by Mima Simić (2005) and its adaptations (the eponymous comic strips by Ivana Armanini [2005] and an animated TV series designed by Matija Pisačić, currently in production), alongside selected Soviet and Russian adaptations of Sherlock Holmes (1979, 1986, 2013), this article questions the assumptions that the...
Marlon James
A blog article on the translational nature of the "Arte y reglas de la lengua tagala," the 1610 grammar of the Tagalog language written by Fray Francisco Blancas de San José. Published on 6 May 2015 on the blog "History and Philosophy o the Language Sciences."
The purpose of this research is to find out whether the using Opinionnaires Strategy gives significant result toward students’ writing skill of hortatory exposition text at grade XI SMAN 2 Padang. The design of this research was experimental research which population was the natural science students in the grade XI SMAN 2 Padang at 2013/2014 academic year. The samples were XI IPA 4 as experimental class and XI IPA 5 as control class. The instrument was writing essay test. The score of the test was analyzed by using t-test and the results showed that the t-observed (2.527) is bigger that...
The origins for this essay were in the Bob Marley chapter of my book "On Racial Frontiers" (Cambridge UP, 1999), and a long chapter in the book ”Reevaluating the Pan-africanism of W.E.B. Dubois and Marcus Garvey: Escapist Fantasy or Relevant Reality?" (Edwin Mellen, 2006). However, this essay is a journalistic and ethnographic reflection on the legacy of racialism in Jamaica, where I lived 2004-2008. In a climate of racial hysteria, I meditated on the need for a "second emancipation" from racialized thinking, the path towards which Marley and the Rastas had made quite clear.
In reassessing the writings of Subcomandante Marcos, and Zapatista discourse, from within the framework of ecocritical approaches to Latin American literature, two things should be emphasized. First, Marcos‘ writings can and should be analyzed for their literary value, as distinct from their political function. Second, an ecocriticsm capable of engaging Zapatista discourse on its own turf must be situated within the larger phenomenon of indigenismo, of which a quasi-native version of environmentality is central. My approach to the portions of Zapatista discourse that deal explicitly or...
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